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Oglądalność: 76643, czas ile trwa m s, otrzymana od Państwa ocena 423, oraz reakcje 156. ...

10 Minutes of Sports Fan Fights

- that first guy stole their flag...he shouldve gotten hit!
- If he would have hit that girl back he would have got hurt but it's not right you hit me I'm hit u
- F*cking savages
- Ain’t a fan fight compilation without the stupid raiders fans 🤦‍♂️
- Seems like the fat drunks start to prove how stupid they are!
- Ever notice the peacemaker always end up throwing blows?
- Nobody’s going to jail tonight, unless you tried to sneak some candy in here. Then your in huge trouble.
- Throw hot coffee on them I do and it's funny
- 2:50 why do idiots yell out "World Star!", when filming a fight? Like what's the whole point of that?
- You don’t take someone else property...that was BS
- I hope the Bills PA announcer saw this video
- Im only imaging Randy Marsh as everyone.
- First question I'll ask the next woman I meet...Do you like going to sporting events?
- 0:26 that cheerleader has great legs!
- I paused during the first segment. That guy had no right to take the man's flag. Didnt matter if he was sporting a retired Nordiques jersey and flag. Vegas was supposed to represent the team that has the better character? The fan showed that wasn't the case.....ok now watching rest of the video
- Note to self....Don't buy the cheap seats
- Shortest 10 minutes ever
- Seeing people act this way is what makes me not able to attend dumb shit like this, these drunk targets are a joke
- Those game tickets ended up costing alittle more $$$$$.
- Beautiful compilation thank You!!! ☺️🙏